Be Here Now: Enjoy this Moment with Zoomprov!
Saturday, May 15th 2021
3pm to 5pm MDT
We have enough to worry about, don’t we? Let’s enjoy the good times NOW! Rebecca of the Improv Collaborative will return to lead us through a series of theater exercises, games, and scenes for two hours of hilarity and exploration. This is not a class, though some side coaching may be given. Space fills up quickly so sign up fast for fun playtime! Improvisors of all levels and abilities are welcome.
Facilitator Bio:
Fifteen years ago, Rebecca Bradford decided to take a beginner’s improv class at the encouragement of a friend. Little did she know that simple decision would lead to a new career and her creation of The Improv Collaborative, a vibrant, enthusiastic community of over 1,200 members, from beginners to honed professionals. During covid times, Rebecca has created an online form of improv she calls Zoomprov, hosting zoom-based Open Play nights and teaching improv classes to individuals and corporations. With ZOOMPROV, you'll find yourself both safe and cozy, and also adventurous and innovative. Fun! For more info, visit